Thursday, February 8, 2007

What is Most Important?

"Hearing Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in law, tested him with this question: 'Teacher which is the greatest commandment in the law?'
Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:34-40

What a novel thought, the greatest of all the commandments has nothing to do with judgment, blame casting or who is more righteous. This seems to be a lost thought in Christianity today. Instead we are focused on the “right” way to believe. Accept Jesus, say this prayer, give this much money, do X amount of good deeds. And certainly don’t Sin, Sin is the product of the devil, and if you Sin you hence have communed with the devil and therefore are going to Hell. Of course these things include not accepting Jesus, being a homosexual, drinking alcohol, using tobacco or other substances, and questioning the church. But don’t worry just follow the steps listed above and you will have done right by God and the Church. Of course when I say Church I mean Christianity as a whole. But once you are in this group then you can join the rest of the righteous and look down upon those who have committed the atrocity of Sin.
But wait wasn’t there something about loving your neighbor as yourself?
That was probably just a typo; let me look that up in my Bible… Nope it does say that, Gee Whiz. Oh but it says neighbor, and all my neighbors are good Christian folk so I am ok because we get along great. But, you know that family around the block, I heard their daughter is pregnant, and she is only 17 years old and obviously not married. God’s honest truth. Can you imagine how her parent’s feel knowing that their daughter is a harlot? I just can’t believe the disaster the world is becoming.
So maybe I took some license with my scenario there but come on, everyone full well knows that in this day and age we are neighbors the world over. If we can’t begin to love each other beyond what sin we may or may not have committed we loose sight of those two commandments that say so much. Regardless of sexual preferences, stupid choices, or religions we are one people under God. Jesus didn’t say the only rule we need to follow is that we believe in him and serve him or that we shouldn’t be a homosexual, or make stupid choices that can change our lives, but to serve God first and foremost and take care of each other second.


Michael Burke said...

Thanks Nick. Lots to agree with in what you said.

If you ever want to grab a cup of coffee, give me a call.


Michael Burke
St. Mary's, Lake Otis & Tudor
563-3341 ext 14

Anonymous said...

I get a different interpretation of this scripture.

Because, Jesus knows everyone's heart, I believe he will tell them the truth so they can be made free.

Just like the woman at the well.

She was with a man that she wasn't married to.

Jesus had to get to the sin before he could set het free.

She had to admit she was in the wrong.

The saduccess and pharisees were in the wrong and they didn't see it because of their pride.

Their heart wasn't really into God.

So, because they wanted to trick Jesus they asked the question what is the greatest commandment.

And he told them to love God with all your hear, mind and soul and that is all they had to do.

Just like the rich man, he knew he was caught up in his riches.

The rich man just had to decide to forget about his wealthy life and follow Jesus.

Anyone who truly wanted to follow Jesus up and left what they were doing behind.

When he called Peter, he was fishing and he stopped and follow Jesus.

Once again, Jesus knew it was Peter's heart that was worth saving.

Upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail.

Upon Peter's heart, he build a vessel unto God's honor that Satan the devil couldn't overtake him.

As you can read, it was in Peter's heart to follow Jesus.

He was the one to preach the first Sermon in the church in the book of Acts.

But as you see the Saduccess and Pharisees went on trying to find something against him and he even told them to be careful because they were leaning towards blasphamy of the Holy Spirit.

And that is a heart condition I believe that will ulimately have you to do something like that.

One last thing, You see it was by faith that people were draw to Jesus and their heart shown how they passionately needed as Savior ot save them from this world's way of harming people.

The woman with the issue of Blood pass through the crowd knowing she should have done that. Just to believe the words of the Prophets of Old.

There is healing in his wings.

she touched the hem of his garment.

Jesus told a woman in the bible that that healing was for the Jews and not the lesser people. The Dogs.

But she said even the dogs get crumbs from under the table.

Jesus said that to her
knowing that she would press to get what she needed even though it wasn't for her orignally.

Some would say why did Jesus compare her to a dog.

He knew her heart!!!
He know she didn't care.

She believed Jesus, the son God could help her.

And by faith it was given unto her.

The moral of this lesson is The heart is deceitful above all things
But who can know the heart but God.

I hope this helps.

Be Blessed!!