Thursday, August 14, 2008


The southern accent wafts in, the big thousand dollar smile blinds, and the three piece suit oozes dollar bills while a preacher addresses a stadium, “All YOU have to do is accept Jesus as YOUR personal Savior and obstacles will fall, the heavens will open and YOUR life will be tenfold more joyous!” My favorite thing to hear large main line Ministers, Televangelists, and Mega-church propagandists say is that there is a simple solution. All YOU have to do is accept Jesus as YOUR savior. Just like YOU pick a personal trainer, or YOU pick a Politician, YOUR favorite American Idol, or YOU pick YOUR favorite team. It is completely dependent on YOU not God, not Jesus, but YOU. YOU are the in control of YOUR own future YOU decide what is important nobody can tell YOU YOUR wrong because who knows better then Y…O….U.
When Moses crossed the Red Sea who was in control? When David fought Goliath who controlled the sling? When Daniel was in the lion’s den, who kept Daniel safe? When Jesus wants nothing more then another way out who tells him to stay the course? When that hard time hit and YOU made it through who was in control? Was it Moses, David, Daniel, Jesus, or even YOU?
When YOU or I are responsible for OUR faith WE screw up, WE want to know God so bad that WE make ourselves the center to which the entire spiritual universe revolves. When GOD is responsible for our faith we can’t screw it up we become bound within a framework WE were too busy to notice. When all of the YOU, WE, and I statements become you, we and i statements we can rise above knowing GOD and truly experience GOD, an experience that isn’t miles and miles away but right here.
In this experience with GOD our Faith becomes a reaction as opposed to an action. We are faithful because our eyes are opened and we can see for the first time that GOD is much more then OUR acceptance but GODs acceptance of us. An Acceptance GOD gave us through Grace in Jesus. Not, an acceptance WE earn through Jesus.

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